Friday, October 19, 2007

Book #57: Thursday Next: First Among Sequels

Title: Thursday Next: First Among Sequels
Author: Jasper Fforde
If you've been reading my blog for a while, you know I have a thing for Jasper Fforde. It's been a while since I've read a Thursday Next novel. First Among Sequels, the fifth book in the series, is set 14 years after the conclusion of Something Rotten, and Thursday is now working on the down-low in Bookworld (by day she's a carpet layer for Acme Carpets). There's a major problem on the horizon-- reading rates are falling (we find out later it's due to a shortening attention span, which might explain why I could barely remember anything that happened in the first four novels until I was about 80 pages into this one). So Thursday has to go to bookworld, train two versions of herself (the print versions) as her cadets, stop time jumping, continue fighting the Goliath corporation, and find a recipe for unscrambled eggs. Sound a little crazy? It is, and if you haven't read the first four books, start with the Eyre Affair, allow yourself to laugh, don't think too hard about the plausibility of what Fforde writes, and have a good time.

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